If you're worried about the weight and willing to pay cash for the parts I would recommend Multi-Jet Nylon 12.
Jerry at Incremental will sort you out - the parts are isotropic, very strong and very precise.
Not bad price either - it's £2.50 per hinge in a dull grey and £3 per for black
Postage will bring it up to about a tenner all in.
Online ordering here - https://incrementalengineering.com/quote/
Am I right in thinking this will be carrying a glass door? If so there could well be a weight issue...
I've run the file through Cura - you'll almost certainly need someone with a printer using a finer nozzle than mine (0.4mm) and even so it looks like the parts are several loosely arranged shapes that don't have much material joining them together - ok as a metal casting, probably fine if injection moulded, but not something I'd trust if I'd made it with my printer.
It might be worth trying to contact the one person who commented on the design...