I'm a self trained bike guy (note the lack of the mention of mechanic), I got my basics right and ALWAYS work on a stand!
Especially with wheelie kids who'll flip their bikes upside down INSTANTLY when they step into the shop.
Got them to toe the line:
DO NOT flip your bike, you are in a bike shop, we have stands.
DO NOT step in with your group when only ONE of you need assistance.
LAST but not least, no attitude, otherwise you can jog on.
'My S has a problem', S as in the rear derailleur, not only that, mech hanger bent, derailleur is a write off and chain twisted, 'Just bend them back', alright, I'll say, 'You know what you are doing right? Bend them back and ill give give you £50 cash'
Their response, Sheepish eyes 'How much?'
We ALWAYS do them a favour, telling them what to get, parts bin etc, IF they toe the line, usually their parents will pop by if you give them a full quote of how much it'll cost because of bad attitude.
Not so big now yeah?
Bike mechanic for nearly 20 years and I couldn’t tell you which thread is left and which is right handed without really thinking about it. I know bottom brackets undo the way the pedals go round and pedals thread in if you spin the cranks backwards, that’s about as much understanding as I need.