Couple bits done on the Dart. Wire brushed and and oiled the inner tubing (Framesaver on the way) as there was some very light surface rust visible in the head tube. Headset and bottom bracket have been serviced although the BB is gonna be replaced with a new DA unit found on here for cheap. The black hope is destined for the CAAD as red and purple is not a great look. Whilst I was at it I rubbed/polished back some of the over spray to tidy it a little and finally sanded off the fork graphics so no more electrical tape. Should off done the inner graphic as it sticks out like a sore thumb now. Frame looks almost perfect now IMO and matchy Hope purple bits on both bikes has made me very happy.
I'm keeping the finishing kit budget but I'm using the XT pedals from the CAAD track along with Strong grips as they don't let the water in like the Champs do. Ebay bargains include a 10 degree stem (now acetoned) and a CC cross top that works a shit load better than what was on there.
I noticed the flat bars weren't the lightest so I may treat myself to some scruffy carbon bars if I can find some on here/ebay or I may just go for some new EC90's as for £25 and 150g I was happy with them on the Capo. New tyres are in the post, just need to get centre plug out of cranks, full pics coming soonish.
Couple bits done on the Dart. Wire brushed and and oiled the inner tubing (Framesaver on the way) as there was some very light surface rust visible in the head tube. Headset and bottom bracket have been serviced although the BB is gonna be replaced with a new DA unit found on here for cheap. The black hope is destined for the CAAD as red and purple is not a great look. Whilst I was at it I rubbed/polished back some of the over spray to tidy it a little and finally sanded off the fork graphics so no more electrical tape. Should off done the inner graphic as it sticks out like a sore thumb now. Frame looks almost perfect now IMO and matchy Hope purple bits on both bikes has made me very happy.
I'm keeping the finishing kit budget but I'm using the XT pedals from the CAAD track along with Strong grips as they don't let the water in like the Champs do. Ebay bargains include a 10 degree stem (now acetoned) and a CC cross top that works a shit load better than what was on there.
I noticed the flat bars weren't the lightest so I may treat myself to some scruffy carbon bars if I can find some on here/ebay or I may just go for some new EC90's as for £25 and 150g I was happy with them on the Capo. New tyres are in the post, just need to get centre plug out of cranks, full pics coming soonish.