What's been briefed to the press is zero % tax on below £500k which makes up 88% of all moves apparently. I think it's just pretty bizarre to announce the idea with the intention of stimulating the housing market but that it might not happen for 4m, causing everyone to sit on their hands and wait to buy
It would be nuts to announce it but put it back by 3-4 months. You'd guarantee killing the market as everyone sat on hold waiting.
Unless (dons tinfoil hat) they're planning on a no deal Brexit and want to coincide a property sales bounce with leaving so that they can pitch it as a Brexit related housing win?
If the mechanism is the same as it is for first time buyers but just extended to everyone then it won't make any difference to you if you're buying over £500k.
I'd be surprised if they were doing a big fat giveaway for the London metropolitan elites and their spenny London houses.
I'd also be well fucking annoyed having just spent £24k on SDLT