Isn't is usually so that a lockring on the opposite side (usually shoulder/'lip' on the drive side, no shoulder, but a lockring, on the NDS) can screw down tight and hold the BB in place, without starting to affect the position of the other side, such as pulling it inwards or pushing it outwards...?
Gah I've just tangled my brain thinking about a BB's opposite screw threads and then the lockring thread as well - ignore me if no sense...
Aaaaand I think I'm talking about loose bearing BBs, not cartridge, so almost definitely ignore me. Sorry!
Is the shoulder on a typical cartridge unit necessary?
IMO, yes.
I’ve never used a Phil bb so don’t know how well they work but at work (velodrome) I get kept fairly busy fixing bikes with the Miche bb that has no lips/shoulders. They tend to loosen off and move themselves to one side or the other.
Square taper BB question:
Is the shoulder on a typical cartridge unit necessary? or is it just for easy installation without measuring anything? Would the BB still work if I remove the shoulder/found another cup without one?
A bit like the Phil wood version, no shoulder either side:
I want to move the driveside crank in a bit....