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  • @Retro_bastard

    Last week I sent a message through the Triton web form to either provide an update or give me a refund. Just had an email saying "refund confirmed" with no explanation.

    A shame, I used to like them but this is a pretty poor performance

  • Yeah i agree its a shame i ordered a super x from them last year 2 day delivery and a friend of mine ordered a GT mountain bike just a few day before i placed my recent order and his turned up in 48 hours as well so they are managing to get some stuff out. I tried contacting them through their online form asking them to cancel my order if the couldn't send it or at least provide me an update and over a week later no reply so I had to contact my bank for a charge backt this week from stuff i ordered in April. I expect they are probably overwhelmed with orders and emails from customers whilst being short staffed. I think they probably should have stopped taking orders for a little while to catch up with themselves as the damage to their reputation must be pretty bad and a really stressful time for the owners and staff. They are getting a really hard time on trust pilot with lots of new customers calling them out as scammers and they are now getting investigated by trading standards. They should at the very least replace their banner saying we are open orders will be delivered for something a little more honest and maybe a general apology and explanation to all the customers experiencing delays with orders rather than the total radio silence me and many others have experienced.


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