I'm enjoying these 'first human contact outside of your household' posts.
Well, in that case, I had my first human contact with anyone in over three months today. My sister and youngest niece came up to the Fens for what was intended to be a socially-distant sit-in-the-garden visit. As soon as she was released from her car seat, Niece #4 ran over to me, hugged my legs and head-butted me in the knackers. And then announced that she needed the loo. So that plan didn't really go to plan at all.
Week before last I had gone on a long walk to find a Collect+ place that had the new printer thing that Asos needs. About 4 miles in 25+ degrees later I realised the post office could send it, so a queue later I'm at the counter handing over the package. A guy walks to the front to collect a form from the counter, being very friendly and talking to everyone, then he made the fatal mistake of putting his hand on my back while explaining he wasn't skipping the queue. There was a decent size pool of sweat by that point lying in wait. And thus goes the first human contact apart from my gf I've had in like 3 months.