Well it's a big part of it. Especially if you're not off-grid in a community. But point taken.
To answer your question, your kids and community look after you or you die slowly of exposure after falling collecting wood.
Elements of this do remind me of the selfish/individualistic flip side to the hippy communes back in the day. Interesting when you look at the Kibbutz - probably the closest real communist model there is - the most successful ones make money from supplying some niche product /similar are pretty mainstream.
Something like C19 had also made many reassess the importance of relationships. So going full Life Below Zero only works if you're a loaner.
The thing with off-grid is how far do you want to take it. Some of the people on New lives in the Wild have taken it so far, you can't see how they will ever reintegrate with society which seems to be OK up until ill health and/or old age catch up with you.
There is so much about modern life I'd like to delete, but paracetamol and antibiotics are two things that just about make up for the absolute disaster so much the rest of the modern world is. Break a leg while living off grid? Dead, or stop living off grid.
We are going a bit off tangent on home schooling.
The thing with off-grid is how far do you want to take it. Some of the people on New lives in the Wild have taken it so far, you can't see how they will ever reintegrate with society which seems to be OK up until ill health and/or old age catch up with you. At least in the UK we have the NHS always available but if you have limited national insurance contributions you are looking at a limited pension and if you do step out of the rubbish UK housing market, it is hard to see how you could ever get back in it several decade's later if you decided you wanted to do.