Looking good. Are the rear hubs out of the bits I sent? If so, think they may be GPM.
Waiting on next door to return, so I can borrow a hairdryer, to facilitate getting the body shell painted.
Motor wires are shortened, everything fits, kind of. I think I need to fabricate a cover for the driveshaft, battery wires are rather close.
The alloy top and lower rear deck are interesting - I think they were made by Cobra who also do a version with a whopping extra 8mm in length to provide a long wheelbase rear engined car.
They also do a conversion kit to mid engine and you can convert the transmission to lay down as Cy of Cotic fame has made the gearbox available through shapeways, amongst other bits.
Rear alu hub carriers. Not sure who made these, don't think they are the Tamiya item. Nice though, bigger bearing for added durability.