Can you show me a picture/video with the rubber torus, please?
My aim was the same, to avoid any bubbles from begining. But, as the tape sits, even with the tumb pressure[not sure if mine is a cobbler's:))] it only properly sticks bubble free on the rim for a width of 6-8mm. Than my tumb cannot properly press agains the joint between the middle channel and its walls so about 2mm are left "loose" untill something smaller is used to fit those areas and push the air out.
When I apply the tape. If you start with no bubbles, your job on that front is done. To ensure a good bond before exposing the tape to service conditions, I press down on it with a sheet of rubber and a pressure of about 500kPa. It's easiest to do this if you form the rubber sheet into a torus and constrain the part not pushing on the tape with a fabric bag.