The IR thermometer is the cheapest I found off the shelf and over the counter, alot of the cheap ones top out at about 350 or so.
Running the car with the cap off will hopefully 'burp' out any trapped air. Hopefully not just throw out all the water, hopefully running at tickover will stop that. Am trying to remember if the diesel had a temperature guage or not, if it has keep an eye on the guage and should sit around the middle of the scale, if guage has got to about 2/3 on the scale the rad fan hasn't operated then I'd think there is an issue. But simple things first.
Stupid question is the car running alright? Sometimes mistimed diesel pumps can cause issues. But then would the car run well..
Am trying to work out if the water is circulating properly, not sure there could be an airlock as the coolant reservoir is the highest point of the cooling system, if I remember correctly. The solid/stiff pipe shouldn't be like that.
What happens if you start the car from cold and leave the car ticking over with the coolant cap off? With the heater to the hot setting.
EDIT: If you are bying a non contact thermometer might be worth while to get one that goes to over 500c if you want to use it for pizza. I have this one as it tops out at 520 https://www.nisbets.co.uk/nisbets-essentials-mini-infrared-thermometer/df673