Earlier in the year it was idling at 1200-1500 as it should, but I couldn’t trust it not to drop below 1k and stall when stopping at lights and junctions. Then after a month or so of fiddling it seemed to be happier at 2k.
When I last cleaned out the carb and replaced some parts a couple months ago, the idle screw was set to.... 3 1/2 turns? It was set to spec, then I set the throttle screw to keep it open and idle at 2k for above reasons.
Bear in mind that back in November the carb was ‘cleaned’ by a well-recommended mechanics, and since then was only the £££ Shell fuel, plus Redex for months. Then by March I’d stripped and used carb cleaner fluid twice myself to try get past the stalling-on-idle issue and stopped with the Redex.
Suppose it’ll be a full strip down of the carb yet again then. Woohoo.
Sticking float or worn float needle? I had some weird problems that I couldn't attribute to anything else. Turned out it was a combination of the float sticking (had been bent back and forth about 20x trying to get height correct) and the needle that meters in the fuel was leaking so it would keep flooding /getting way too high.
Even under a magnifying glass I couldn't see a difference between new and old ones.
Replaced needle carrier thing and seat and the float assembly. Literally took one tiny adjustment to get height correct and ita been mint ever since ( 3 years).
Carbs now need new main jet/needle as they are worn, can feel the pitting /roughness on your fingers. People riding behind say it smells of fuel when just pottering along but is Ok at higher throttle %
If it won't idle under 2k and needs the throttle screw way in, then the pilot circuit is partially blocked too most likely. Messing around with the mixture screw won't help. I'd just whip the carb off and give it some love.