I've got a choice between gas permeable lenses or toric lenses.
The former feel, unsurprisingly, like grit in my eyes and despite trying them for over a month I just couldn't get used to them. The latter seem three times bigger than my actual eye, getting them in way trickier than a normal sized contact lens.
I've worn glasses for all my waking hours for the last 30 years. I'd love to be shot of them but, barring corneal grafts and a shit load of luck (I'd probably still need glasses after that) it's all I've got.
I just hope I haven't passed down mildly fucked eyes to progeny.
I've got a choice between gas permeable lenses or toric lenses.
The former feel, unsurprisingly, like grit in my eyes and despite trying them for over a month I just couldn't get used to them. The latter seem three times bigger than my actual eye, getting them in way trickier than a normal sized contact lens.
I've worn glasses for all my waking hours for the last 30 years. I'd love to be shot of them but, barring corneal grafts and a shit load of luck (I'd probably still need glasses after that) it's all I've got.
I just hope I haven't passed down mildly fucked eyes to progeny.