the gps went awry at the start
I've been using this site to tweak shonky GPS measurements - you can remove / move any track point on a GPX file
(It works far quicker if you use the tool that removes all track points within 1m)
It was fairly straight forward to identify fix years & years of GPX data, once fetcheveryone / smashrun showed my best times
I like the way that Smashrun tells me that Thursdays are my slowest days - by quite some margin.
https://www.fetcheveryone.com/benchmark.php should do it for you. I think you can bulk import .gpx / .fit etc if you ask nicely, I might be wrong though.
Edit - ignore my 5mi & 10mi benchmarks, they're from a run where the gps went awry at the start, I'm removing them via the handy link on the right.
Edit 2: ditto for all the sub 5km times i think, this is a page I haven't used on that site. Data quality in = information quality out.