I don't agree that the tag should stay central - I can't get to Central London due to time / childcare / home issues. It's only when tags come out East that I get a chance to get involved. If it stayed in one area I wouldn't get a chance to get involved. I guess I might be unique, but I've never been unique before and I'd be surprised if I was now.
If anything bogs the game down it's gnomic / excessively clever / infrequent clues.
I was really excited that the new tag was central and near my work which I'm rarely in these days, and rode back homewards wondering if I was going to be beaten to it and thinking about the play on words I could put in the clue.
It was sad to see the first responses were making me feel like I shouldn't have bothered - it's the first time I've taken part in years.
If people would rather, I'll tag something more prosaic and central tomorrow.