Surely if it's a neural network its heavily dependant on what data it's been trained on right? So there's always going to be an inherent bias as a result of what data has been chosen for it to be trained on.
Haven't yet read the article by the way so apologies if I'm way off the mark as a result.
Edit: Should've read the article, last paragraph here:
“Dataset is generally biased which leads to bias in the models trained. The methodology can also lead to bias,” Jolicoeur-Martineau said in an email. “However, bias inherently comes from the researcher themselves which is why we need more diversity. If an all-white set of male researchers work on project, it's likely that they will not think about the bias of their dataset or methodology.”
There is obviously a problem there, but there are actually loads of different problems layered into it. Fundamentally, there is a many-to-one issue which results from the loss of information when you pixelate. I'm no expert on AI, but if you train on a dataset that's representative of the population it may always avoid producing faces from a minority group.
Facial characteristics can (under some models) be represented as a deviation from a gender/ethnic norm. So if you try to infer ethnicity and gender first you may get a higher likelihood of a correct outcome, but then there's the issue that you have an unknown lighting source, which means that skin tone is really hard to read.
Essentially this is a great example of something that humans are good at and computers aren't (yet). I suspect, however, that the example of Barack Obama is fooling us as to the size of that disparity because it triggers a whole load of contextual information for our recognition that computers have no access to.
Some more discussion on how the community responded to this
AI, everybody. Its totally fine and unbiased in any way shape or form.