We received the service charge documents for the second half of the year a couple of days ago - no attempt to include the fines they tried to levy, and we've not heard a peep out of the firm of solicitors they were using to try to inflict the fines since I told them that we had no case to answer.
I'm hoping that this is the end of it, but I trust our managing agent around as far as I can throw him.
That's brilliant news. If they don't invoice you, they can't charge you. You're right to stay suspicious and on guard but this seems like the first step in a victory for common sense.
My old managing agent, by way of contrast, spent the week slagging off our MP to her face because she had the temerity to ask about the health of one of our 71 year old residents after the mangign agent had failed to deal with one of her problems for months at a time. It beggars belief how these people remain in business.
We received the service charge documents for the second half of the year a couple of days ago - no attempt to include the fines they tried to levy, and we've not heard a peep out of the firm of solicitors they were using to try to inflict the fines since I told them that we had no case to answer.
I'm hoping that this is the end of it, but I trust our managing agent around as far as I can throw him.