Inspired by a socially distanced visit to our best friends garden which is so nice they actually open it for garden societies to visit we decided to increase the size of our main border via the simple expedient of removing the circa 30 year old path.
Man those 610 x 610 old school slabs with the mortar still stuck to the bottom are heavy. Probably shouldn't have chosen the hottest week of the year to do this.
Does anyone near Epsom want some hardcore?
Can't upload multiple pics from this phone so here it is in many posts.
The original path
Inspired by a socially distanced visit to our best friends garden which is so nice they actually open it for garden societies to visit we decided to increase the size of our main border via the simple expedient of removing the circa 30 year old path.
Man those 610 x 610 old school slabs with the mortar still stuck to the bottom are heavy. Probably shouldn't have chosen the hottest week of the year to do this.
Does anyone near Epsom want some hardcore?
Can't upload multiple pics from this phone so here it is in many posts.
The original path