The best fee is going to depend on the value of your pot, at some point the move from fixed fee to percentage based fee tips the balance, always worth checking Monevator:
Thanks. Yeah I think iWeb was mentioned on the moneysaving site as being lowest.
Although I'm thinking a robofund is a good compromise for this chunk of change - it should be lower risk than me guessing at funds, and the fees aren't as high as fully managed stuff. I also want something that will be easy to get the money out of, if I do commit to a house buy.
Ok, just looking in II and I have a SIPP and an Investor Service Plan, so it's costing me £20/month, not £10 like I expected. Yeah, for some reason Mar - April my monthly account fee doubled. I don't remember being on a free deal or anything but I guess it's possible.
EDIT: Looks like they're waiving SIPP fees now for 12 months so I reckon the first year I was probably not paying the SIPP fee.
How does £20/month compare to other SIPPs?