Isn’t the reason you do increasing length intervals so that you can condition yourself to put out steady power for that duration?
I appreciate that you might not consider it ‘functional’ threshold power if I can’t just drum out 1h at threshold, but for training purposes shouldn’t it be considered maximum hour power?
I could probably do my threshold power for an hour today if I were chased by rabid dogs, but would need about 18h sleep afterwards and about a weeks recovery.
Isn’t the reason you do increasing length intervals so that you can condition yourself to put out steady power for that duration?
I appreciate that you might not consider it ‘functional’ threshold power if I can’t just drum out 1h at threshold, but for training purposes shouldn’t it be considered maximum hour power?
I could probably do my threshold power for an hour today if I were chased by rabid dogs, but would need about 18h sleep afterwards and about a weeks recovery.