I know it's Denmark and flat and all. But if you live on a hill (like myself) I'd be inclined to put a brake on there at some point. Not sure if I could teach my daughter to use a brake at this point (2 y/o) but damn she bombing down the hill on her kick bike… And I'm guessing she will be on her balance bike as soon as she starts picking it as her preferred mode of transportation :•)
not having a brake means they learn about using their legs/feet for control; essential for learning about control, you become the pilot not a passenger
Its scary but, crashing is good! making mistakes is good! mistakes/crashing = learning
I know it's Denmark and flat and all. But if you live on a hill (like myself) I'd be inclined to put a brake on there at some point. Not sure if I could teach my daughter to use a brake at this point (2 y/o) but damn she bombing down the hill on her kick bike… And I'm guessing she will be on her balance bike as soon as she starts picking it as her preferred mode of transportation :•)