Myself and the guy downstairs both extended our lease. Same lawyer, identical wording on the amendment. The solicitor for the people buying my place have pointed out that the land registry has recorded one flat with the lease being 999 years from the original lease date and the other being 999 years from the amendment date ...
Seems it isn't a huge issue, just an extra piece of admin for me.
I don't think they were that fussed about the length, more that two identical amendments were showing different dates and they didn't want it to become an issue further down the line.
I've also been having lease extension fun.
Myself and the guy downstairs both extended our lease. Same lawyer, identical wording on the amendment. The solicitor for the people buying my place have pointed out that the land registry has recorded one flat with the lease being 999 years from the original lease date and the other being 999 years from the amendment date ...
Seems it isn't a huge issue, just an extra piece of admin for me.