Well finished it in March, just before lockdown, which I spent in Dumfries and Galloway looking after an aged parent. The weedy broadband in the corner I was staying, meant posting pictures was too tedious, so here are some of it finished. Hope wheels and brakes. Ritchey Kyote bars. Wtb Nano 2.1 tyres. So much steeper than my other bikes is wierd when first ride it but soon get used to it. A great flat bar SS gravel bike, ideal for the wee hills where I was staying.
Well finished it in March, just before lockdown, which I spent in Dumfries and Galloway looking after an aged parent. The weedy broadband in the corner I was staying, meant posting pictures was too tedious, so here are some of it finished. Hope wheels and brakes. Ritchey Kyote bars. Wtb Nano 2.1 tyres. So much steeper than my other bikes is wierd when first ride it but soon get used to it. A great flat bar SS gravel bike, ideal for the wee hills where I was staying.
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