My flat was already on the market before the restrictions eased (the previous sale fell through during the lockdown). The EA relaunched it at a slightly reduced price, we got a couple of viewings as soon as the restrictions eased and they both made offers around asking price.
I'm seeing a lot of properties coming on to the market, a lot are new and quite a few that had previously been marked SSTC, at prices around the same as pre-lockdown so who knows what's happening.
Just handing the keys over and letting the EA have free reign sounds a good plan. On top of the places we requested to see we saw a few places as we were in the area, the agent had the keys and the property was vacant so we could just pop in.
Has anyone on here advertised/sold since the restrictions eased? Have you had any interest?
We’re going to put our place on the market in the next couple of weeks, and hoping to just hand keys to an EA, and leave it empty so they can come and go with viewings as they please. Does this sound wise?