Selling a bike after nearly 40 years! You must have a fair few memories with it.
For adverts on LFGSS you do need to put an asking price. This prevents "fishing" adverts. If you have no idea then do have a look through some previous threads to see what the going rates are.
From my limited knowledge I'd say that any road bike in good working condition - without shagged parts, and in London- is going to be worth £100+ (especially at the moment as bikes are in high demand). However I doubt that this bike is worth £200+, as nothing here shouts "high end" (chunky steel, parts slightly tatty). So a range of £100-£200 might be a good starting point. Maybe set a price of, say, £150 or £175, drop it by a fiver each week to bump thread and see if anyone takes it?
I would thoroughly recommend measuring the seat tube and top tube, from centre to centre, and posting those measurements (bike looks too small for 26" - giraffe territory). Also if you can measure how worn the chain is, that will help too. Good luck with the sale.
How mcuh would you like for is eezie?