Thanks buddy. And yeah I agree, the Bullet is no match for a proper Fender. But if you need a £100 guitar to see you through the dark times when no Fenders are available,I was surprised by how well it did the job. I've really messed mine up (added and removed Bigsbys, drilled it, knocked it about the place) and it's still going strong and sounding good. A few years ago you'd never have gotten a usable guitar for that price. I remember I bought a Squier for about that in the 90s and it was so poorly shielded as to be unusable with an amp. Very different times.
I enjoyed that.
I tried a Mustang Bullet a while ago. I was excited by the prospect of a high output short scale guitar, but the build quality was so far behind my Jag that I was disappointed. Glaring where they had saved the money.