I do wonder if this is the best idea - the pull on the neck from string tension is a lot more for a 12-string, compared to a 6-string in standard tuning, and the standard Gibson neck and Snap-o-Matic™ headstock aren’t exactly renowned for their beefiness at the best of times. Even if it doesn’t spontaneously convert itself into a pile of matchsticks, the tuning stability would probably be very poor.
Would a Fender not be better? You can buy a bolt-on conversion neck from Warmoth.
It was actually this video I came across which provided the inspiration! I don't disagree that a Fender 12-string conversion would be a lot easier (or just buy a Danelectro to be honest...) I reckon with a good volute on the back of the headstock it would probably work our though. A tastefully done long diamond volute up the headstock would surely solve future issues?
There's something really cool about a beefy 12-string though, more along the lines of the 12-string Hagstrom Stu McKenzie plays in King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard!
Have any of the lootery lot on here ever done a Gibson headstock repair...
I don't own a Gibson with a broken headstock but I'm toying with the idea of either finding one for sale (or buying a dirt cheap unbroken SG maybe) and repairing/ replacing the headstock to a 12-string version... I really want a 12-string and for some reason this seems like it might be a good idea?