The power output's the easy bit, it's dropping the 30kg and maintaining it that I'm gonna struggle with :P
in the spirit of it
In what of the what? You can climb anything you want, in whatever gear you want. Some people have done crazy long ones of very shallow hills, some people have done super steep.
It's simple - one ride, one hill, up and down it until you crack the 8848m mark.
I’m not exactly a lightweight at 75kgs ish.
I didn’t know if it was on a normal “road bike” ideal kinda thing.
I’d probably want something between 6-10-%. If anyone has any recommendations to investigate I’d be interested to hear.Yeah seen @veganjoseph’s stuff and @hazzelfrazzel has experience too.
Also met (although didn’t know it at the time) uk female record holder on Wander Wye. She came out to tow her friend home to Bristol I think, which of you recall the weather post 10pm was a bit nuts!
Yeah, given I read Morton’s 7 hour average was something like ~250w Think it’s safe to say thats a little beyond me :-)
I could do steeper if I set up 11-36, not sure if that’s in the spirit of it though!?
Yeah that’s pretty much my thoughts. Maybe I’ll have a look around for something suitable or just try a high number of reps see how I feel about it first.