The decals shouldn't make any difference. From what I understand, you can use a front brake on a rim without a brake track, you just probably shouldn't because you'll knacker the rim and it won't perform as well as one designed for a brake.
If I was you I'd sell that front wheel whilst it's still in good condition and go for something that's more appropriate to your needs!
I've got a front wheel with a brake track I can take off an older bike so apart from a mismatched wheelset there's no drama. Might be a good opportunity to learn how to wheelbuild a nice new front wheel. Was thinking H+Son Archetype in black to match the frame. Any recommendations on decent front hubs?
I've got a H+Son Archetype for front brake duty on rides where I think I'll need one. Was just wondering if taking the decals off would mean I could just leave the brakes on for worst case situations or is that just idiotic and I should find a long term front wheel?