Apart from the rain
My mother and sister both live in Argyll so I've spent a bit of time there.
It's pretty much empty
Awesome countryside and riding
Community spirit is strong (can also be -ve, depending)
The Scottish govt are a lot more competent than WestminsterMinuses
Monoculture plus cultural desert
No jobs
Houses are not as cheap as you would expect considering that there are no jobs
You have to drive everywhere
A courgette counts as an exotic vegetable; shopping is very limited and good places to eat are in short supply outside of major cities
It really does rain most of the time.
While we're all dreaming.
Scotland. Apart from the rain, the darkness during winter, and the fact I wouldn't know anyone and would be miles away from any family.
I'd like:
a big garden where my kids can be mad heads and shout like twats
somewhere I can do a job
near a decent rail line
nice people
smaller happier schools
I mean. It doesn't have to be Scotland, I'd like the North East/the North.
When can I sell up the house I'm in, and what am I going to have to "give up"?