Fingers crossed my inexpert internet diagnosis is wrong, but that sounds like shin splints. Which are incredibly annoying.
Ive had shin splints once and it was from doing a lot of running, football and hockey after a period of little to no impact sport. It meant another 6 weeks with 0 impact sport, cycling and swimming was ok, everything else was off the table. You have to fit in enough rest when you ease back into the repetitive motion and impact stuff.
Edit to add NHS link, just in case....
So a quick question from a running novice.
I've really got back into running during lockdown and have found myself starting to enjoy it again. Last week was a big week for me, the most I've ran in a week for years.
But towards the end of the week my shins were hurting, like even to the touch hurting.
Is this just volume of running or is there something in my running technique that I'm doing wrong?
I'm looking to get gait analysis done as soon as the shops open again.