• Anyway, the new clutch, pinion pins and gear ring (new dogs; woof) have been installed and the signs are good so far: no slipping gears at all. Hallelujah! But all it takes is an overnight stay in the bike shed and it could all go tits up again. We'll see.

    Anyway, the next job is/was getting the kickstand working. Because EVERYTHING on this bike was broken, the hingy bits of the kickstand were bent wildly out of shape. Really soft steel though, so it bent back easily enough after a bit of attention from a mole wrench.

    But what's this all about? The kickstand is axle-mounted but in order to give it enough room to clear the mudguard stays, the axle needs to be as far back in the dropouts as it will go.

    Obviously that doesn't leave much room for error with the chain length. In fact, in order to give the kickstand the necessary clearance and keep the chain tight enough that it doesn't drag on the bottom of the chainguard, I've had to use a half link.

    Why, why, why is this kickstand (and rack) axle-mounted?!
