I've just replaced my strings on my fretless and I've realised I've been a fool holding on to my old strings for so long! It's absolutely banging with fresh strings...
If you still fancy swapping you can have my extremely well aged eight year old Ernie Ball Cobalt Slinkies 45-65-85-105 trimmed for Fender Jazz length for a new set?
Heh, cheers for the offer. May need to think over the the exchange rate between 8 year old and new strings and whether immediate decrepitude is worth the price.
No worries 😂 I'm sure we could work out the depreciation and figure out payment in terms of regular guitsr strings or something if you're keen for them?
I've just replaced my strings on my fretless and I've realised I've been a fool holding on to my old strings for so long! It's absolutely banging with fresh strings...
If you still fancy swapping you can have my extremely well aged eight year old Ernie Ball Cobalt Slinkies 45-65-85-105 trimmed for Fender Jazz length for a new set?