• #28
Thanks. So I have to learn how to use SQL. There's no delete profile button?
• #29
Firstly apologies if this is in the wrong section, I don’t know what this function is even called to be able to search.... how do I create these hidden drop down posts like this https://www.lfgss.com/comments/14443594/
• #30
how do I create these hidden drop down posts
<details><summary>Spoiler topic</summary> Spoiler text</details>
Results in:
Spoiler topic
Spoiler text -
• #31
Excellent, thank you.
• #32
Since the "Upload a file" file selector doesn't work in Firefox, can you make a note in, maybe the 'Formatting help' text about being able to drag and drop images? D&D actually seems to work.
• #33
It half works; you have to do it twice for a file and the file will be uploaded when you hit "Post reply". Sucks for multiple files, though. If I'm attaching more than one image, I put one in the first edit, then do another in a subsequent edit and so on.
• #34
I think I'll join the 1990s and be like all the other cool Windows for Workgroups kids with their OMG drag and drop. Maybe if there was a little paperclip that helped with discovering all the different ways to attach images... "Looks like you're swearing at LFGSS again... "
• #35
with their OLE drag and drop
That way lies madness.
• #37
No. Which was by design to prevent abuse and keep privacy high.
I don't version control pm titles, and I was wary of those who would use that to attack others and hide their activity by editing it.
I guess I could version control them, but I also wanted s simple way that when a pm is deleted by everyone that we truly delete it from the database and cleaning up version controlled data is harder.
End result, I chose to keep pm titles simple and uneditable to prevent abuse and to ensure privacy
@velocio How do I delete a user from a Microcosm forum. I know how to ban someone but their name still appears in the memebrs list. I suppose once someone is deleted they aren't then banned?