They have chilled a bit and you don't have to believe in god anymore (although how much this is discussed with the typical new beaver I don't know) but you aren't allowed to be a republican.
Someone needs to tell them there is no such thing as a British Subject anymore:
British subjects must promise to do their „duty...to the Queen‟.
I did 6 years as a Beaver Leader and would discuss with the Beaver and their parent which version of the promise they wished to make, I've used most variations.
British subject etc...…..it's our club and our rules pinko commies like you are probably welcome in The Woodcraft Folk or restart the Kibbo Kift https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibbo_Kift
My defining memory of being in the Scouts was being made to feel very unwelcome (until I left) because I hadn't been christened