So in the last month I’ve moved up from 268 to 285ftp, which I’m fairly happy with.
I’ve been on the turbo less, riding longer rides with hills and also hill sessions and targeting local KOMs for intervals. I was getting a bit of a niggle behind my knee on the turbo but that’s got much better.
I’ve not gone back and had a proper go at College Road or Swains will do soon though see if there’s any improvements in my 2-3 minute power
So in the last month I’ve moved up from 268 to 285ftp, which I’m fairly happy with.
I’ve been on the turbo less, riding longer rides with hills and also hill sessions and targeting local KOMs for intervals. I was getting a bit of a niggle behind my knee on the turbo but that’s got much better.
I’ve not gone back and had a proper go at College Road or Swains will do soon though see if there’s any improvements in my 2-3 minute power