• I'm quite enjoying playing with home assistant. It seems much easier than when I previously used it with most stuff being done through the GUI rather than loads of text config files. Yesterday I set one up for instance where the fan comes on at 11.30 but only if the temperature is above 19 degrees. Took about two minutes to do.

    It doesn't seem to be updating my location properly though. I suspect the app probably isn't updating when it's in the background but it's a bit difficult to test.

  • It doesn't seem to be updating my location properly though. I suspect the app probably isn't updating when it's in the background but it's a bit difficult to test.

    Your homeassistant location, or your (mobile etc... device) location?

  • Mobile device location. It reports it correctly when I'm at home but the test stuff that I have set to be triggered when I leave the house doesn't work.

    I can't check what is happening without using my phone though, which will probably cause the location to update.
