On the subject of the crowds. A couple of points I think often get overlooked;
Textbook social distancing isn’t always practical at a demo but reasonable efforts were made by many.
When crowd photos/footage are ‘judged’ for their attitude towards the pandemic ... are we looking at typical or worst-case examples of crowding? If we’re looking at the worst photo possible to find, totally atypical of events, why is that?
It’s not considered where the demonstrators would be otherwise. In short ... not everyone has space - people live in busy homes and use shared services.
@jono84 - I think origins are important. As highlighted in Stonehedge's reply, before the explosion of social media a fair few people in the UK were probably able to go through their lives without really coming into contact with vocal racism. And if you're part of the norm systemic racism can pass unnoticed in a way that explicit racist legislation or racist violence simply can't.
What is interesting is that today the conversation seems to essentially about racism at all levels which is something that probably applies to every society everywhere.
Thanks. That's really helpful.
@jono84 - that wouldn't work because the (honest) answer would just be yes.