Agreed, I'm really impressed by his responses of late - I expect it'll take a lot to outmanoeuvre him argumentatively.
I thought his response pretty reasonable - it was low key common sensicial, and firmly put the problem back onto those who were always going to go mental at the crowd for removing such a 'historical' figure (because anyone who has a statue must be given Respect, as they're clearly important).
He set the stage nicely for people like Patel to then tramp into.
I think one thing he's proving to be extremely adept at is letting people dig their own holes. It's not taken much for the govt to come out in support of a slaver today. Whilst it would have easy to explicitly support the protestors shouting against the Tories - he's instead used them (the Tories) as his own mouthpiece to point out their own despicable positions.
He should be alright at those kind of questions - he ran the CPS didn't he? He's presumably got history at backing up Police investigations and acting on them.