I used to work in a pub when I was eighteen, and a copper used to come in regularly, get pissed and drive home. One night he came in with his son, who was in the year below me, and ordered two pints. I refused to serve his son, he asked to speak to the landlord, who, once I told him the background, stood his ground and said he couldn't knowingly serve someone under age. The following Friday, the police set up a road block on the road out of the village and breathalysed everyone as they drove home, charging everyone who was over the limit, many of whom were drinking buddies of the policeman.
He was shot dead at Hungerford a few months later.
Basildon police station used to have a bar on the top floor, heavily subsidised. My mates cousin was plod and we used to go there boozing together.
Eventually they had to close it because after shift they used to get pissed up and drive home.
Edit: they being police officers, not just my mate and his family.