i don't think the DLC adds much to the base game - it's just an extension of the story so only worth doing if you enjoy the dialogue / want to see a bit more of what happens. Combat is harder - you actually have to use gadgets and may not complete a base on your first go - but only because they've levelled up the oppo with new weapons rather than any interesting new angle.
I agree with @cornelius_blackfoot - it's deffo grindy. I just turns out i'm a big spidey fan and love pretty cityscapes. Think it also helps that i only get to play in 2 hour bursts once or twice a week after everyone's gone to bed , so that mitigates the grind fatigue.
i platinum'd the base game, and haven't played it since.
I liked it but i think it was the only game i played for a few weeks and got fatigued.
Maybe i'll pick up the DLC and have another crack