I think he's complaining about something else given that he's highlighted the lacing. Front is radial, rear is 3-cross, which is perfectly normal. Perhaps it's that the trailing spokes are on the outside of the hub flange, which would be incorrect on a geared hub but as Sheldon says "In the case of fixed-gear or coaster-brake wheels, it is better to lace the opposite way [i.e., with trailing spokes on the outside of the flange], because a derailed chain is more likely to get jammed by backpedaling in these cases." and "Note: This is not an important issue! There is a sizable minority of good wheelbuilders who prefer to go the other way around, and good wheels can be built either way."
In any case it's a good idea to have a quick skim of @Michael5659's post history before taking anything he says too seriously.
Front is deeper than the rear