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  • There was terrible noise at about 5am. flapping. then quiet.

    A couple of times in the day I banged on the fireplace but heard nothing. In the afternoon I thought I would suck the corpse out using a hoover, but that didnt work. Stuck a camera in and took a pic, to see if anything was there. There was something there. The raven was there.

    Silent. Waiting.

    I knew what he wanted me to do.

    Managed to smash the tile thing. He then casually hopped out, up onto the foot of the bed. He was huge. Waaaay bigger than he looked at first. Flew around the room like a mentalist a few times. Then off out the window he went.

    Goodbye raven.

    He didn't say it, but if I am ever in deep trouble I think he will come.

  • In answer to your original question getting a new fire brick for this fireplace will be very difficult. Do you still have the bits? If so you could use Fire Cement to glue it back together looks like this has been done before. Fire cement comes in a pot and is like a putting which goes hard when heat applied.
    Good story

  • way too many pieces to glue back together. The fireplace is never used, so if replacing it is going to be difficult then I can cut some ply or MDF to fit the gap.
