what does your basket look like - is it like the picture three posts up, or does it just have a single hole in the base?
If the latter, it's a pressurised basket and fine ground coffee will choke the machine, as both the coffee and basket are holding back the water and there is no enough pressure in the machine to force it through.
An unpressurised basket, with lots of holes in the base, will let just the coffee create the pressure, and allow easier flow. Unpressurised baskets are what you need to make proper espresso.
Basic AF question incoming - searched online and found mixed opinion. I am using a Delonghi EC330S.
I got some beans from a local coffee shop - requested them ground for Espresso as I don't have a grinder. When I go to make the espresso, no coffee comes out. Regardless of the amount I put in (double basket) or how lightly it's tamped, no coffee comes through and the pump just whirrs away until I stop it. Removing the portafilter releases a blast of steam and sends some of the contents of the basket everywhere. I take it the grind is too fine and water can't filter through it.
The grind is definitely finer than two bags I got in the last fortnight from the same place, which were also requested to be ground for espresso and I had no issue with those previous bags.
I read online that a fully working machine should be able to push through even the finest grind, and that I may need to descale it, any truth to this? Any help is greatly appreciated!
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