If I was in my 20's living in London (With low R) needing to find rent money, I'd be begging Nandos to open
So you eat their chicken?
Nando’s staff were furloughed on full pay.
I actually don’t know why dentists aren’t back. It seems strange. The British Dental Association have advice but are on the fence about whether non essential work is ok.
Working in mouths generates a lot of aerosols with viruses if somebody is sick, so it is not so easy to keep the dentists safe. And you cannot easily do it from behind a shield either like with x-ray work.
A dentist in a full hazmat suit would be an experience...but that's not comfortable for a full day work and expensive kit. And also not fun if you already don't like the dentist! :)
Financial ability to ride this out
Dentists: Yes (In a lot of cases)
Nandos Employees: No (Ditto)
If I was in my 20's living in London (With low R) needing to find rent money, I'd be begging Nandos to open