I've known where a few of these are lately and been tempted to grab one. Short of reading 892 pages of thread is there any way of knowing I'm not re-tagging?
As skydancer implies, many tags are named by street or other things you might search for. However, some aren't, and we do have re-tags from time to time. Some of these have got accepted while others were corrected by the taggers themselves. I think we're a long way away from running out of taggable things in London and should continue to have a default policy of not accepting re-tags. It's not a big deal, but if you're unsure at first it helps if you have two or more tags up your sleeve, just in case one is a re-tag.
Obviously, read the rules on the first page, which I assume you've probably already done. Other good tips are:
Don't make it too difficult. The game is most fun if it moves faster. That means not making clues too cryptic. The easiest clues are those that give a hint as to the area or street something is in. Non-geographical clues tend to be harder, although obviously quite often someone knows about the tag or the clue.
Ideally stay within the North and South Circulars. We've broken that rule a couple of times. Tags that are very far out tend to take longer to go.
The types of tag that Will refers to are things that have in the past raised various people's hackles. Crop and Polka Dot, who are brothers, had a thing about ping-ponging tags of public ping-pong tables for a while. There's also been a backlash against tags of churches. I think this is because people don't want things that are too generic. The recent tag of the Hampstead Garden Suburb churches was probably an exception, as Central Square isn't very generic, but I think it's good advice to avoid repetitive urban features.
The best tags are ones with interesting stories attached to them. BToB is nothing if not educational, as you can see in BQ's story of Aston Martin, for example.
Don't tell Skully there's a map.
oat44 knows everything.
That means not making clues too cryptic
Always give enough hints
I've known where a few of these are lately and been tempted to grab one. Short of reading 892 pages of thread is there any way of knowing I'm not re-tagging?