These things happen, but I mean, what difference does it make to them for 50m of private farm track? FFS
My last one on this: Farms are light to heavy industrial sites these days, and they undoubtedly operate heavy farm machinery on the path in question and all over their farm. Needless to say, if there is an existing right for people to ride or walk through there, then it's the farmer/farm workers who must accommodate that right and watch out properly, etc. However, they're probably worried about traffic incidents when some fast groadies suddenly appear, which is an understandable worry.
My last one on this: Farms are light to heavy industrial sites these days, and they undoubtedly operate heavy farm machinery on the path in question and all over their farm. Needless to say, if there is an existing right for people to ride or walk through there, then it's the farmer/farm workers who must accommodate that right and watch out properly, etc. However, they're probably worried about traffic incidents when some fast groadies suddenly appear, which is an understandable worry.