Crank bolt is rounded and you don’t have the bb tool?
Do you have an angle grinder or cutter?
Presume the cranks can go in the bin. If you do have a cutting tool then slice off the axle at the crank arm.
If you don’t, Mario has done something similar for me, I think he’s at SBC now.
Eyeballing it the bb looks like a lock ring tool and a ‘standard’ cartridge tool job. I’ve got the cartridge tool and a lock ring tool.
But if the crank bolt is anything to go by that might be an epic battle too.
Thought I had every Bb tool under the sun, but none that fit nds splines.
Originally had planned to pull DS and then remove BB and NDS crank arm together, but incorrect BB tool...
I was thinkibg about hacksaw as close to bb as possible but I think then the BBtools that fit onto a wrench won't work.Fucking octalink.
Does anyone know what BB tool is needed for this guy (NDS and then DS):
Could anyone help me get the rounded bolt out of the Octalink mess that the previous owner left for me- so that I can then extract the cranks, and proceed to attempt to remove the BB build the damn thing.
Willing to pay for mechanic if there are any that have time available (no real urgency either- so also willing to wait).
Its a Six13 so it needs to be relatively delicate.