Dadwatch search for nice but not at all pricey day/date quartz daily ended up here. With an automatic.
Easy to read? Looks it. 42mm so not too big, not too small. Should survive being smashed about in the garden. Smart enough for socialising and wallet friendly £s.
He would have had kittens if I had spent proper money on that Certina even though it struck me as fair value. Whilst the quartz numbers we found met the bill there was always something a little off about them so opened it up to automatics and this popped up. I think it's OK.
Dadwatch search for nice but not at all pricey day/date quartz daily ended up here. With an automatic.
Easy to read? Looks it. 42mm so not too big, not too small. Should survive being smashed about in the garden. Smart enough for socialising and wallet friendly £s.
He would have had kittens if I had spent proper money on that Certina even though it struck me as fair value. Whilst the quartz numbers we found met the bill there was always something a little off about them so opened it up to automatics and this popped up. I think it's OK.