• Well here we go... thought it was about time I take one of my good bikes out for a spin, so went to retrieve it from a bike box I store it in. Being a nicer bike I not only keep it in a bike box, but even keep the bike box indoors, so didn't expect any unpleasant surpises. Anyway retrieved said bike only to notice I'd left the saddle and post in the frame, which is odd as I normally avoid this, and wouldn't you know when I went to adjust it it wouldn't budge!

    So the situation is I now have a fancy carbon post stuck in an alloy frame, and while familiar with all the usually plans of attack for alloy post in steel frames have never tackled this unholy matrimony of carbon and alloy....

    Does anyone have any ideas please? I'd quite like to save the post if possible, but if it comes to it I'll cut it if necessary. The small glimmer of hope is that the post is quite extended, so it could be worse, and for now I've left it soaking with some Plus Gas, any thoughts from the hive mind greatly appreciated.
